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The Beachcombing Holiday Festival provided a place gather together and celebrate all kinds of beachcombing through live talks and videos. Links to individual videos from the live festival are below. 

Videos and presentations were made possible by our Exhibitors, members of Beachcombing Club, and by our presenters who generously shared their time to take us on their beachcombing adventures, share their expertise, and show some of their collections.

Thanks to all the Exhibitors who supported this event: Bling Beach Glass Windows, Fairyland Glade, Katie Carrin Sea Glass Jewelry, Sand Dipper, Sea and Sky Studio, SunSport Canvas, Treasure Seekers Shell Tours,  Aloha Sea Glass, Art of Seaglass, Beach Baubles, Beagle Bay Knot Works, DMG Creations, HKM Jewelry, Mint Jellies, Ophiuroidea, PeblsRock, Pure Sea Glass, Relish Inc, Sandpiper Footprints, Scottish Mudlarking, Sea Cairns, Seaglass and Serenity, Seahag101, Sharon Brubaker, and Let Me Sea Creations.

2022 Holiday Festival Presentations

Medieval Moat-larking with Jason Sandy and Q&A

Learn more about this once-in-a-lifetime adventure ›

Extreme Sea Glass Hunting with Captain Ky the Sea Glass Guy

Learn more about Ky and his adventures ›

Coastal Candy Cane Tie-It Workshop

Get a list of supplies and get ready to join knot-tying expert Christine for this fun, easy workshop ›

A Sea of Colors

Learn all about where the  many colors of sea glass come from ›