We are looking for speakers to share their expertise with our online audience of beachcombers at our upcoming Summer Festival.
These short presentations (5 to 15 minutes) will be shared with a worldwide audience. We will work with our presenters to come up with event dates that work with our speakers, most likely in July or early August 2023. The date and schedule of talks will be posted as soon as we finalize the speakers.
Like the presentations at the 2022 Holiday Festival, the 2021 Holiday Festival, and the 2020 Virtual Beachcombing Festival, the talks will range from collectors presenting part of their collection to artists showing off their latest creations to experts sharing some of their beachcombing knowledge. We will host live Q&A sessions on Zoom after the presentations with any presenters who are interested.
While most festivals have a local or regional audience, this online event attracts attendees from around the world. Your presentation will be viewed on the day of the event and will be available afterward on the Beachcombing YouTube channel. It's a great chance to get in front of a global audience of beachcombers! Your presentation can include information about you an/or your work but should be primarily educational, not self-promotional.
As a presenter, you will have your photo, bio, presentation description, and contact information on the Summer Festival web page and in marketing materials.
If you would like to share a how-to demonstration, speak briefly about an aspect of beachcombing, or take viewers on a studio tour, please complete the speaker proposal form below by May 1, 2023. We will notify you if you have been selected by May 15, 2023. If we can make your presentation part of our schedule, we will ask for your headshot and bio by no later than May 31, 2023.
The ideal presenter:
- Is experienced, engaging, and comfortable speaking on video and/or on Zoom.
- Is passionate about sharing expertise on topics that include unique and historical beach finds, coastal arts and crafts, nature and conservation, remarkable collections, beach destinations, or beachcombing collections.
- Has the technical know-how, equipment, and internet connection to videotape themselves or talk on Zoom.
- Commits to sharing the Holiday Festival with their social networks.
You can send a final edited video or send video clips that we assemble into a final video.
Thanks for your time and we’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Proposal Form
Please complete the form below or email the following information by May 1, 2023. In the message field, please provide the following information:
- Proposed presentation and brief description
- Proposed time needed: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 15 minutes
- Links to your social media pages, website, or other online information about you.